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Two years ago I suffered my first bout of Sciatica which was so severe I was bed ridden for several days, unfortunately even though I was medicated I began to have quite regular bouts. I had several rounds of physiotherapy and yet more medication, nothing seem to improve my condition. In conversation with Carole, I shared with her how miserable I was feeling and the prospect of continuing with this awful pain was really getting me down. Carole set about fully investigating my condition in order to see if Pilates could be of any benefit me. .Her enthusiasm and willingness to help encouraged me to “give it a go”, and 12 months later, I feel like a new woman. From the off Carole was careful to ensure that I didn’t undertake anything to strenuous, or attempt anything that may aggravate my condition, but over a period of time I have really improved my flexibility and core strength, but most importantly for me I have not experienced the awful pain that I had previously and am no longer having to take daily medication for the condition .I highly recommend Carole , she has most definitely improved the present quality of my lifeagraph.

Denise Ford


I have started and stopped going to Pilates classes over the years. Usually lasting between 4-6months of attendance. Why did I stop? Generally because I go bored or didnt feel that I was improving. 

Carole's classes are DIFFERENT. 

I never get bored

I always feel that I have achieved even on my slower days.

I feel supported

I feels motivated by her sheer enthusiasm for her job.

I have FUN,

I have never had a teacher so dedicated and so passionate that we all get the most out of her classes. She will come around to check that you are doing the exercise correctly. She is never condisending when she does this and always has an alternative excerise if that one is not working for you. But she will encourage you to try and you never know you may surprise yourself. 

Sue Southern









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