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Wouldn't it be lovely if we never got injured?

Well it happens to the best of us..and the rest of us!

But having an injury shouldn't stop you working out - but you do have to work around it!

This is really, really important because if you have an injury and you don't look after it, you will simply aggravate it and either slow down recovery, or worse still prevent it healing altogether.

Joints were meant to be moved, so my recommendation is to rest the injury but keep it moving in a pain free range of movement. Even if it is only a slight movement. And gradually progress as healing takes place. This will prevent the joint seizing up.......which could cause just as many problems as the initial injury

And if, for example you shoulder is hurt, You can still exercise your lower body.

And if your leg is injured, you can still exercise your upper body...which as some of you dear readers know, is exactly what I have been doing. :)

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