Weighted Sumo Squat
Here's a fab exercise that can be done in reps, or - the way I prefer it - to HIIT timing. It's do able by almost everyone with levels to...
Here's a fab exercise that can be done in reps, or - the way I prefer it - to HIIT timing. It's do able by almost everyone with levels to...
Fisrtly, I send you my very best wishes for a speedy recovery, if you are unfortunate enough to be in bed, due to illness or injury. I...
Screaming with cabin fever in these scary times? Get yourself outside, in the fresh air, and listen to the dusk chorus of the birds as...
So I have a lot of clientss who are perhaps a little bit older, or recovering from injury and illness, (especially in these worrying...
if your feeling a bit stiff, a bit down, a bit meeeeh. Try this little stretch routine. It takes just 5 minutes and it will perk you up...
The corona virus - Covid-19 has several symptoms. High fever, repiratory problems ad a dry cough. It's the dry cough that could cause you...
Watch the shoulder blades closely (the flat bones that move around across the top of the back on either side) This client has had a...
What can I do to improve my core? Answer: Plank! Plank is a fantastic Pilates exercise to massively improve your core - like all of it....
So I am asked quite frequently about setting up. What this really means is standing correctly. Most back ,shoulder or neck issues arise...
This little video shows the use of the Pilates block to allow forward bend with no pain - just mild tension, how to use the block to sit com
If you put your finger on the front bony part of your hip and run it down towards the front of your thigh, you will be tracking your hip...
I found this picture and article in the daily Mail and it's something I see so often, especially in the younger generations, that I...
Wouldn't it be lovely if we never got injured? Well it happens to the best of us..and the rest of us! But having an injury shouldn't stop...